Moonshine Kayaks

For Sale

We have been selling custom boats and teaching one on one courses since 2001. We are currently selling inventory of demo boats.

Here is the current list:

“Aukla”, built 2002, yellow cedar frame, 12 oz. ballistic nylon skin, recently re-coated with 2 part marine polyurethane. 17.3 feet long and 23.5 ” wide. This is a stable, comfortable kayak. It has been on several week long trips on the west coast of Vancouver Island. After all these years it is still one of our favourite boats to paddle and model other boats after. Selling for $1100 obo.  SOLD!

“Platypus”, built 2005, yellow cedar and douglas fir frame, 12 oz. ballistic nylon skin, one part polyurethane coating.  This boat is 14.5 feet long and 23.5 ” wide.  It is a snug fit, and is one of our favourite boats for rolling.  It is fun to paddle, responsive and allows the paddler to experience Greenland paddling and rolling.  It is a great boat for paddling in waves and the fast moving water of the world famous skookumchuck rapids north of Sechelt on the sunshine coast. $900 obo.

“Moonshine,” built 2009, yellow cedar frame, ballistic nylon frame, 19 feet long.  This boat is a custom design, inspired from Haida canoes, and double kayaks.  We wanted something that could take kids, dogs, and gear.  It turned out less stable than we wanted, but loaded with gear, it is comfortable and stable.  $1000 obo.

“Escalante”, built in 2003, yellow cedar frame, ballistic nylon skin.  17 feet, 20 inches wide.  This is a biadarka, built on Granville Island with Robert Morris.  It is a fast, light boat.  It has done several 12 day trips on the west coast of Vancouver Island.   $1100 obo.